Tuesday, January 29, 2013

i'm still here!

i'm a terrible blogger!!! waaaaa!

i've been busy. moving is quite an event. i haven't forgotten about my little old blog though and if there's one, just oneeee person who reads my blog, just you know that i'm going to update specifically for you. i'll let you know what i've been up to my first week in dallas, as soon as that week is over! 

love you, world. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


i'm moving from my beloved south carolina to DALLAS, TX in exactly one week and two days. i have never lived in another city, much less another state, ever. i've always been a stone's throw away from my parents and siblings. this is huge for me, people. i accepted a job as a nanny for some friends and their adorable daughter who is only a week old. she's precious and i couldn't be more excited or honored!
life is so unexpected. i never would have guessed that i'd wind up living in texas, especially as a nanny, of all things... i always saw myself doing art in europe when i was in highschool. i've always had a knack for the artistic side of things and have always been obsessed with europe, too. then when i decided to go to college after all, i started thinking about law school or a government job because, during a major identity crisis, i randomly majored in political science. i quickly realized that i was too much of a free-spirit to restrict myself to a desk job so left school and am now basically a gypsy... haha. 
that's the great thing about life though, i guess. you just kind of have to roll with the punches and laugh at yourself. 
it'll be interesting to see where i end up/what i'll be doing in a year from now. i want to start a business, travel, get married, and have a huge garden. not in that order and not this year, but there's my bucket list. ;)  

i started this post as a phone pic catch-up and ended up telling you my life story...wow. haha.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

meet puppy the spitz

hi. i'm a fluffy ball of love and the newest addition to the family. i don't have a name yet but you can call me 'puppy'. 
i'm really, really tiny and cute. 

i love to cuddle when it's cold out.

and exploring is my favorite activity...

besides chewing on things, of course.

oh, and eating too!

and when i'm done eating i get very sleepy...

in a nutshell, i'm just altogether the cutest thing you've seen.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

nye pictures

well, this is embarrassing. i'm terrible at documenting my life via pictures - i always forget to take them! i took all of 5 pictures at my nye party and only 2 of them weren't blurry haha. i guess i have an excuse because i was busy running around playing hostess. i barely even remember the night because i was getting firewood, setting food out, opening bottles, handing out champagne glasses, etc etc etc and barely sat down. not a huge fan of hosting parties so i'm not sure why i do it. i'd rather just go somewhere and let someone else do the work haha.

lights in the fig tree + my man and me with my cousin and his girlfriend, who drove down from atlanta to celebrate with us. love them! i also love taking pictures with them because they make my 5 feet and 8 inches look short.

hope everyone's year has gotten off on the right foot. 
lots of love! xoxo